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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Essay on Smoking

A number of studies have been made about smoking. These studies can be cited by students who are doing their essay on smoking. Below are some of the recent studies you can use.

1. Smoking has an impact on bone health. In a 2007 study conducted by Peter Wong et al entitled The effects of smoking on bone health, they found that smokers have a higher risk of suffering from bone loss. The study also found that aside from having weakness on the bone, smoking also increases the risk of falls. Based on the data, compared with non-smokers, smokers are weaker, have poorer balance and impaired neuromuscular performance.

2. Smoking causes fire. In a 2010 study by Sara Markowitz entitled Where There is Smoking, There’s Fire: The Effects of Smoking Policies on the Incidence of Fires in the United States, she found that there is evidence that changes in cigarette policies over time are associated with the changes in the incidence of fire. This means that the smoking policies have an impact on the increase or decrease of occurrence of fire in he community.

3. Smoking induces asthma. In a (2007) study conducted by Pietinalho entitled Linkage between Smoking and Asthma, it was found that exposure to tobacco smoke causes several health hazards including higher risk for asthma and the effects are the greatest when exposure occurs during pregnancy and in early childhood. Small children are the most vulnerable to the harmful effects of environmental tobacco smoke, and they are exposed to tobacco smoke in the home, where mother, father or others smoke. Even adult population has a higher risk for asthma because of passive and active smoking

4. Prenatal smoking has impact on the child’s brain development. In a 2010 study conducted by Ekblad et al entitled Prenatal Smoking Exposure and the Risk of Psychiatric Morbidity into Young Adulthood, they found that prenatal smoking is associated with an increased risk of psychiatric morbidity and exposure to more than 10 cigarettes a day increases the risk of mortality in childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood.

We have also prepared hundreds of essay on smoking and second-hand smoking, its harmful effects and its benefits. Below is a list of sample essays that you can use for your research.

1. Informative Essay on Second hand smoking

2. Essay on Benefits of Smoking

3. Essay on Smoking and its Side Effects

If you need help writing your persuasive or argumentative essay on smoking visit the leading provider of Essay Writing Services and research paper writing services in the United States and the United Kingdom or call us at 1-855-897-8788